Hemos seleccionado los mejores podcasts sobre negocio en el deporte para que puedas estar informado y escuchar contenido relacionado con la industria del deporte.
- Big Data Sports 🇪🇸 // Marcelo Gantman y Agustín Giménez ecualizan las tendencias digitales, los avances tech y conversan con referentes para entender el buzz que se genera entre fanáticos, atletas, deportes y marcas. Un especialista deportivo influenciado por los datos. Un experto en métricas apasionado por el deporte. Juntos actualizan los movimientos de la innovación, los datos y la tecnología en el deporte.
- Bloomberg Business of Sports // Jason Kelly, Michael Barr and Mike Lynch follow the money in the world of sports, taking listeners inside decisions that power the multibillion dollar industry. From media and technology to finance and real estate, leagues and teams across the globe have matured into far more than just back-page entertainment. The show explains the money behind the final score.
- Creativ Sports Podcast // Are you in the creative sports industry? Join us for weekly chats and different perspectives in the sports production and creative industry. From technical to creative, process to equipment, we’re here to talk shop, and learn something along the way!
- Der SPONSORs Podcast 🇩🇪 // [Weekly] Der SPONSORs Podcast blickt hinter die Kulissen des Milliardenbusiness Sport: Welche Player das Sportbusiness prägen, welche Technologien den Sport verändern und was das alles für die Zukunft des Sports bedeutet! Wir interviewen dabei interessante Sportler, erfolgreiche Unternehmer und Visionäre aus dem Sportbusiness.
- Digital Sport Insider // The Digital Sport Insider Podcast has interviewed some of the biggest names in the sports industry, from Sean Jarvis & Huddersfield to Chris Tyas & ELEVEN SPORTS.
- Бизнес на спорте 🇷🇺 // Интервью с бизнесменами в сфере спорта
- El becario de marketing deportivo 🇪🇸 // El podcast en el que hablaremos semanalmente sobre el negocio del deporte, el patrocinio y las tendencias digitales que están transformando el sector. Todo ello desde la perspectiva y ilusión por aprender y saber más de un becario.
- El Mister Papers 🇪🇸 // El Míster Papers es un ejercicio periodístico para contar historias poco conocidas del deporte, olvidadas, archivadas en cajas y en papeles amarillos que están por pudrirse.
- Football Business Podcast by FBIN // The FOOTBALL BUSINESS PODCAST by FBIN takes a look at the business side of football, with experts answering practical questions. Each episode answers a „How to…“ question. We invite experts from different organisations to get the best possible answers.
- Inside Sports Business 🇪🇸 // Tres capítulos semanales para analizar la actualidad Sports Business y entrevistar a los mejores profesionales del sector. Explican cómo funciona, desde dentro, una industria que mueve miles de millones de emociones. Dirigido por el periodista Raül Llimós, de Sports&Life.
- Intersections: A podcast by The Connect // Intersections dives into the overlapping layers of brand partnerships, and the overall sports and entertainment business world. The Connect is Rayde Luis Baez, who is a Dominican Republic born, passionate partnership builder based in Europe with strong relations with top brands, companies and sports & entertainment properties across the world.
- La Previa 🇪🇸 // El podcast de negocio del deporte de Sportico en español. Cada semana Asli Pelit, periodista de Sportico y Boris Gartner, el CEO de LaLiga North América, analizaran las noticias más importantes del universo de negocios del deporte de ambos lados de Atlántico con invitados especiales del sector.
- Leaders Sport Business Podcast // Leaders in conversation: the biggest names in the global business of sport sit down (or stand up) with Leaders Editorial Director James Emmett.
- Ondernemers in sport 🇳🇱 // Een Nederlandstalige podcast over ondernemers in de sportbusiness. Hun ambities, passies, waarden en talenten achterhalen. Nieuwe inzichten creëren voor bedrijven. Sportprofessionals inspireren en ondernemers motiveren.
- Sports Business Journal Morning Buzzcast // [Daily] SBJ’s Morning Buzzcast is your daily scoop on the biggest stories in sports business.
- Sports Business Journal Spotlight // [Biweekly] SBJ Spotlight is a bi-weekly news series from Sports Business Journal. During each episode, we look at the biggest stories in sports business through the eyes of key industry executives and personalities.
- Sports Business Journal Unpacks // [Daily] Unpacks is a new series from Sports Business Journal that analyzes how current trends are impacting sports business. Listen as SBJ editors and special guests provide trusted insights to help you navigate these dynamic, complex situations.
- Sports Business Journal Presents // On SBJ Presents, you’ll hear sponsored content from sports business organizations. These companies are pioneering the tools and products to help sports business organizations overcome the issues facing the industry. Expect quality conversations and resourceful solutions from our partners.
- SportBusiness Finance Weekly // [Weekly] SportBusiness’ weekly podcast examining the biggest stories developing across the global sports industry, particularly though the lens of finance and dealmaking.
- SportBusiness.Club 🇫🇷 // [Weekly] Le podcast de SportBusiness.Club et du marketing sportif. Des interviews d’annonceurs du sport toutes les semaines par Bruno Fraioli. The podcast of french sport-business.
- Sports Business Radio // Sports Business Radio focuses on the issues and people directly impacting the world of sports business. Guests on the show offering an insider’s perspective include pro sports league executives, agents, college athletics administrators, sports apparel company reps, ad agency executives, media executives & athletes.
- Sporticast // Podcast that will deliver the inside scoop on the intersection of money and sports. From billion-dollar valuations to team sales, sponsorship contracts and media rights, go behind the scenes on the deals that power the global sports economy.
- Sports Creatives Podcast // A show dedicated to talking with the world’s top creatives and thought leaders from college and professionals sports. This is where I unlock actionable tips to live your very best career and life.
- Sports Geek Amplify // Sports Geek Amplify series will profile sports technology solutions that will help sports solve current problems and develop new and innovative ways for sports to drive data and revenue outcomes for the sports industry
- Sport Inside 🇩🇪 // Ob Fußball-WM, Olympia oder der Breitensport um die Ecke: Sport inside blickt hinter die oft schillernde Fassade des Sports. Journalistinnen und Journalisten von Sport inside erzählen von ihren spannenden Recherchen – und welche Hürden sie dabei mitunter zu überwinden haben. Nora Hespers und Kerstin von Kalckreuth sprechen aber auch mit Athletinnen und Experten. Kritisch, konstruktiv, inklusiv. Jeden Freitag 50 Minuten
- Sports Maniac 🇩🇪 // [Weekly] Der Sports Maniac Podcast macht dich fit für die Digitalisierung im Sport. In den wöchentlich erscheinenden Episoden gehen wir digitalen Trends und Innovationen auf den Grund und interviewen Experten zu den spannendsten Zukunftsthemen des Sportbusiness.
- SportsPro // Join SportsPro writers and guests for comment, insight and analysis on the matters of the moment in the global sports industry.
- Sport and Rights // Introducing the all new Sport and Rights podcast, brought to you by the Centre for Sport and Human Rights. Our new podcast will focus on how the worlds of sport and human rights are coming together to achieve positive change in the lives of people around the world.
- Sportstechx // Showcasing outstanding startups and initiatives in the global Sports Tech ecosystem, including accelerator & incubator programs, innovation hubs and major events.
- Sports Value Marketing deportivo 🇪🇸 // Se abordarán temas relevantes del mercado deportivo global por medio de entrevistas, charlas o estudios de casos con expertos en la industria. Se trataran temas como patrocinios deportivos, gestión de marca, internacionalización del mercado, transformación digital, estadios inteligentes, monetización de contenidos y marketing con causa social.
- Spuzziness 🇩🇪 // [Weekly] Powerfrau Kim Scholze ist nicht nur Expertin für Nachhaltigkeitsthemen bei der ISPO, als Community Managerin im Bereich Outdoor ist sie auch bestens vernetzt und spricht mit dem Who is Who der Sportbusiness Szene. Im neuen SPORT1-Podcast Spuzziness.
- The Crowdmakers // Fascinating conversations with the «insiders» of the live event businesss! «The Crowdmakers» features leading sports and entertainment industry executives giving their unique insights on the decisions being made today in their boardrooms, from current COVID-19 concerns to what the future of live sports and entertainment will look like.
- The Price of Football // The podcast that follows the money behind the beautiful game.
- Unofficial Partner // Join thousands of people from across the sports business who listen to our podcasts every week of the year.
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